Similar words: leftover, get over, left, be left, leftist, left hand, left wing, on the left. Meaning: adj. not used up.
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31. There was a little food left over from the party.
32. But with three-dimensional space there's no dimension left over.
33. Was there any food left over from the party?
34. Go left over a low ridge and downhill.
35. Whatever was left over, we would save for travel.
36. They were people who really let themselves go on high days and holidays, not likely to fuss about anything left over.
37. They are vital statistics if you want an accurate estimate of how much you have left over.
38. So they take advantage of a rule that permits them to spend money left over from their campaigns on themselves.
39. The old uniforms left over from the colonial bygone had to go.
40. I pay all the bills and save any money that is left over.
41. If the new motherboard is smaller then you will have some mounting pillars left over - keep them safe.
42. Toy bears left over from an ad campaign will be donated to the children's hospital.
43. The station was launched on 14 May 1973 using the first two stages of a redundant Saturn V left over from Apollo.
44. These foreigners are so greedy there's never anything left over for supper.
45. With what was left over we could pay to have it delivered.
46. What is left over often goes hack to the Third World.
47. Give me, Lord, what you have left over, Give me what no one ever asks you for.
48. Any time left over was spent on the heterosexism we were experiencing from heterosexual women at the conferences.
49. Sadat had ordered photographs of the Shah, left over from an earlier state visit(, to be mounted along the route.
50. Moreover, a lot of money would be left over to relieve the tax burden.
51. On the surface, the debate is about tackling issues left over from the past.
52. This moodiness, this uneasiness, was left over from the fever.
53. I had an enormous slice of quiche that was left over from Friday.
54. I look at his skin under my fingers, the faint tan left over from the summer.
54. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
55. These weapons left over from wars and civil conflicts in 60 countries are estimated to number 100 million.
56. The amount of income left over after deduction of this taxation is known as disposable income.
57. I showed them the costs and how many were left over from the previous year.
58. He was wearing a short brown anorak that looked as if it was left over from his trainspotting days.
59. Or whatever is left over from when your other kid was sick.
60. More like jewellery than cheap baubles, they were left over from a Christmas long ago.
More similar words: leftover, get over, left, be left, leftist, left hand, left wing, on the left, left-wing, stove, stage left, right and left, cleft palate, over and over, left hemisphere, over and over again, over and above, over, dover, hover, lover, overt, cover, overall, glover, oversee, ask over, overdo, govern, do over.